Friday, January 27, 2012


Somebody asked me, What is my Ideal Man?
And I was like.. BLANK then.. HUH?!

My brain was in a tsunami dance craze after hearing this question. Then I was exhausting every mitochondrion in my somatic cells for an ANSWER. Then, I came to realize that.. I really don't have any standards in "choosing" whom I'll get to be with in the future. PLUS, I still stick with "God had already wrote someone for you in the future, what you'll need to do now is to strive hard and please God." So, just to satisfy her query, I just gave my warm smiles and my signature.. "EWAN KO" :) Then later that afternoon, I asked my mom, What is her ideal guy for me. First, she was startled then laughed. She said that, she would prefer someone whom our family knows well. He should be of good disposition, values and someone that is stable (in terms of Financial Matters). She would also prefer someone who shares same field like me, someone whom she can tag along and bring with on "extreme-adventurous-environment". Someone who doesn't complain, just go with the flow and of simplicity. Then, I got this "weird feeling" and a little bit awkward because she's starting to share stories about guys and stuff. LOL. Well, 'though I wasn't interested, it was cool to share those fuss with my mama. :) Somehow, it gave me lessons about how to deal with such. Anyway, while we were on our way home, my mind was still floating with that question.. I admit, I'm not a NEWBIE. I've been into "relationships" but I personally believe that these are all part of growing up. I haven't set standards

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